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Acupuncture was developed in China at least 2000 years ago as part of a health system that emphasised harmony with nature. It is a holistic approach that recognises that all aspects of your health and lifestyle influence your physical and mental wellbeing as an individual and within society. At Acupuncture Associates we combine the holistic benefits of this traditional treatment with evidence based medical practice to help our patients manage pain and a diverse range of other conditions. 

  • How does acupuncture work?
    The technique used in our clinic is Western Medical Acupuncture, rather than the traditional Chinese model. This involves using Western medical diagnostic techniques to target the structures causing symptoms (muscles, nerves and joints) rather than traditional Chinese energy channels. Acupuncture used in this way has been shown to promote tissue healing and modify the body's response to pain. Depending on the condition treated this can result in a complete or partial resolution of symptoms.
  • Why might I benefit from acupuncture at Acupuncture Associates?
    Our Cheltenham based acupuncture practice offers the perfect combination of medical experience and evidence based research alongside a natural form of therapy that does not involve medication. Our two practitioners Adrian Lyster and Dr Vicky Hardwick together have more than 30 years NHS experience and together treat a large range of ailments and conditions.
  • Does acupuncture hurt?
    Acupuncture needles are very fine. Insertion is usually painless and without bleeding. Sometimes an aching sensation is felt when needles are used to treat pain, but this is usually relatively mild and short lived.
  • What conditions can be improved by acupuncture?
    Take a look at our Treatments page to see a list of conditions we are happy to discuss treating.
  • Is acupuncture safe for safe for people taking anti-coagulant medicine or with haemophilia?
    Acupuncture is safe for people taking anti-coagulant medicine or with haemophilia but it is important that you let us know if you have a tendancy to bleeding for any reason so that we can minimise any risk.
  • How many acupuncture treatments am I likely to need?
    Usually symptoms show improvement within 3-4 sessions, but more treatments may be needed for an optimal result. Chronic conditions may benefit from occasional reviews or monthly 'top-up' treatments.
  • How much will my treatment cost?
    Each treatment lasts 30 minutes and is charged at £55. Initial assessments usually take longer so are often booked as double appointments. This will be discussed and decided with you when you book; we provide a summary of the consultation for you and your GP and referring specialist. We accept payments by cash and card. Dr Hardwick is accredited by the British Medical Acupuncture Society and Mr Lyster by the British Acupuncture Council, please ask your insurers if your policy includes cover. Consultations covered by insurance companies may incur an adminstrative charge.
  • Where will my treatment take place?
    We offer consultations and treatments at Spa Private Medical Services, 31 New Barn Lane, Prestbury, Cheltenham. Parking is available on site.
  • How do I book a consultation?
    We'd be delighted to hear from you. Both Adrian and Vicky operate their own consulting schedules and you can contact them directly using our contact forms here. Or please don't hesitate to contact either Adrian or Vicky directly on the contact details below: Email: Tel Adrian Lyster: 07540 487477 Tel Vicky Hardwick: 07780622598
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